Bridge Roster and NPCs



USS Revenant Creator
Captain Rila Jae AGM
Captain Lysa Jae AGM
Commander Dezin Traela AGM
Lieutenant Commander Carey Halloway AGM
Lieutenant Jonathan Tran AGM
USS Intruder
Lieutenant Davis MacMillan (human) - chief engineer Davis MacMillan
Ensign Anne Renata (human) - security Jackson Bryce
Ensign K'voy (Klingon/Draconian) - security Desiree Klomden
Ensign Actrul Venning (Draconian) - medic Jackson Bryce
Ensign Tularo () - security Jackson Bryce
Lieutenant Commander Emma Hazen - female human, Beta chief medical officer Kyril Vree
Lieutenant Reva Talyn (Human) - Ship's Counselor Kyril Vree
Lieutenant Sonia Somez (human) - Ops Kyril Vree
Lieutenant Lareth (vulcan) - Tactical/Security Kyril Vree
Lieutenant (jg) Jason Miril (human/Trill) - Helm Kyril Vree
Lieutenant Jill Tablero (human) - Tactical 2, crypto officer Jackson Bryce
Umbra One
Giselle MacMillan (French human) - wife of Davis MacMillan Davis MacMillan
Sue Sheppard (human) - wife of Mark Agrippa Mark Agrippa
Dr. Khymas Towens (Draconian) - doctor, wife of Jackson Bryce Jackson Bryce
Linsayla (Trill) - singer, wife of Kyril Vree Kyril Vree
Mayla Vree (Trill) - adopted daughter of Kyril Vree Kyril Vree
Tylin & Nilani Savien (Trill male and female fraternal twins) - Kyril Vree's baby kids Kyril Vree
Lieutenant Victoria Smith-McCulloch (human) - wife of William McCulloch William McCulloch
Lieutenant Commander Ayer (Changeling) - Bravo Deck Chief of Operations AGM
Lieutenant Commander Carey M. Halloway (human female) - Bravo Deck XO AGM
Lieutenant Harm Stone (human male) - Bravo Deck staff AGM
Lieutenant Brian Kern (Klingon/human male) - Bravo Deck staff AGM
Lieutenant Lorenzo Jackson (human male) - Bravo Deck staff AGM
Lieutenant Jonathan Tran (human male) - Bravo Deck staff AGM
Sweeite (computer program) - Bravo Deck Operations persona linked to main computer and LISA AGM
Epsilon Seven
Verad Nemtac (Yridian) - Future's End Nightclub owner Game Master
Gunnery Sergeant Jacob (Draconian) - the local Wayfarer Monk Jackson Bryce
Ensign Arake (Draconian) - security team Jackson Bryce
Lieutenant (JG) Carl Bledsoe (Human) - Medical Jackson Bryce
Ensign Stiltok (Vulcan) - Security Jackson Bryce
Lieutenant (JG) Fred Conley (Human) - Engineering Jackson Bryce
Ensign Illura (Andorian) - Operations-Computer Support Jackson Bryce
Lt. Commander Dwight Owen (human) - former fiance of Desiree Klomden, currently in Section 31 Desiree Klomden
Admiral William Mancuso - CO Starbase Epsilon Seven Game Master

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Star Trek Shadow Operations was created by Gary Gould owned the ©1996-2003  until 5/4/03. As of that date, all Shadow Operations materials are owned by the Game Masters of Shadow Operations. All orginal content of Bravo Squad website is ©2014 by Edmund Woo. All Rights Reserved. The material on any of these pages may not be copied, stored in machine-readable form, or otherwise reproduced, disseminated, adapted, or used without the written or expressed permission of .those holding the copyrights to the material.

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